Seeing Jesus in the Ruins
January 4/5, 2020 This message will be an introduction to the Minor Prophets, including chronological and geographical background, overview of the message, and how they fit into...
January 4/5, 2020 This message will be an introduction to the Minor Prophets, including chronological and geographical background, overview of the message, and how they fit into...
January 11/12, 2020 God commanded Hosea to marry a prostitute named Gomer. Their three children and the resulting family difficulties become an enacted parable of God’s relationship...
January 18/19, 2020 After the story of Hosea’s wife, the remaining portion of Hosea’s prophecy is an extended charge against Israel for failing the covenant, God’s just...
January 25/26, 2020 The prophet Joel is concerned with the coming of the day of the Lord, which is pictured like a plague of locusts descending upon...
February 1/2, 2020 After searing prophecies against the surrounding nations, Amos turns his attention to God’s judgment on His own people in the northern kingdom of Israel....
February 8/9, 2020 Obadiah announces judgment on Edom, one of Israel’s neighbors (and relatives), for helping Babylon conquer Judah. Through Obadiah, God promises that judgment will come...
February 15/16, 2020 Jonah is unique among the minor prophets in that the entire book is an account of a resistant prophet sent to the capital city...
February 22/23, 2020 Prophesying at the same time as the prophet Isaiah, Micah addresses the coming destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel by the Assyrians, while...
February 29/March 1, 2020 The final two chapters of Micah are bleak and challenging, as God directly addresses the failures of the northern kingdom of Israel shortly...
March 7/8, 2020 Nahum’s prophecy comes against Nineveh, shortly before it gives way to the rising empire of Babylon This prophetic book speaks of another nation, but...
March 15, 2020 Habakkuk’s prophecy is framed as a series of dialogues between the prophet and God about the justice of God and the suffering to come....
March 22, 2020 A contemporary of Jeremiah, Zephaniah calls the people of the southern kingdom of Judah to humbly seek God as the day of the Lord...
March 29, 2020 A contemporary of Zechariah after the exile, Haggai calls the returnees to prioritize rebuilding the Temple of the Lord. The Temple was not only...
April 5, 2020 Prophesying at the same time as Haggai, and during the return from exile recorded in the book of Ezra, Zechariah rebukes the people for...
April 12, 2020 Malachi addresses God’s people after the return from exile, calling them to right living, ending of easy divorce, justice in the public square, and...