Maintaining the Unity of the Spirit
Speaker: Elie Hasbani | July 05, 2015
July 4/5, 2015 If we are to have true church unity then we must understand our calling and live it out. Unfortunately, most churches have forgotten their...
July 4/5, 2015 If we are to have true church unity then we must understand our calling and live it out. Unfortunately, most churches have forgotten their...
July 11/12, 2015 Jumping the Broom is a wedding custom among African American couples. Those who seek to reach across race and cultural lines could learn much...
July 25/26, 2015 In John 17:20-26, Jesus prayed for the unity of the church and if Jesus prayed for it, then we know that prayer is essential...
August 1/2, 2015 Unity doesn’t just “happen.” The church is made up of sinful people; people who will (at times) step on each other’s toes, offend each...