As my children have grown up in their schooling, I have had the privilege of getting to help them with homework. Yes, I said privilege. Sure, there are moments of frustration, of impatience and even of confusion (more of those as they get older and the work gets harder!) but there is nothing like the joy I feel when I see them “get it.” Maybe it’s a tough equation or difficult song to play for band, but when it “clicks” and I see how excited they get in overcoming that hurdle, my heart swells!
I can only imagine how God felt when watching the shepherds receive, understand and respond to the message He had sent them via the angels. Maybe in the moment there was shock and uncertainty, but it is clear after the angels left that the shepherds knew what they were supposed to do.
“When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, ‘Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.’ So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.”
I imagine God waiting to see if they “got it” and then He Himself rejoicing as He watched these humble men hurry off with their new knowledge to see His special gift for the world.
I love that once they had seen and rejoiced over the baby themselves, they immediately went and spread the word to everyone they could find, ultimately “glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen.”
Not only did they receive this new knowledge about God’s gift—but they shared that knowledge with others.
Growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus is never just about ourselves, but ultimately about helping others to experience it and for the ultimate glory it brings God!
For reflection:
- What knowledge of God or His grace have you grown in recently that you can share with someone else? Who and how will you do that?
Nativity Building:
Place Mary and Joseph in the stable. The time has almost arrived for Baby Jesus to be born!
by Jim Caler
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