Evil seems like such a strong word. Are my desires profoundly immoral when, in a moment of boredom or loneliness, I click through ads on-line and buy things I don’t need with money I don’t have? Am I wicked when I spend the last hour of my day scrolling Instagram reels of sourdough, homeschooling and flower farmers, rather than connecting with my husband? Is it sinful for me to spend more time listening to podcasts and reading news articles than I spend reading the Word of God and in prayer? If I am comparing myself to the rest of the world, these seem like pretty tame ways to spend my time. My desires can’t be called evil.
But are they holy? Peter is reminding me that I am not to compare myself to those living in ignorance: “But just as he who has called you is holy, so be holy in all you do: for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy.'” Peter is exhorting me to be holy. I am to be dedicated or consecrated to God, sacred. What if I run my daily hours of Internet use through that scriptural filter. Am I holy in all I do?
Thankfully, Peter shares how we can prepare our minds for action and be holy: by being self-controlled. The great news is that self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. It is a gift. Unfortunately, it is a constant struggle for me with my phone. For me today, self-control looks like taking a total phone sabbath. I power down on Saturday before bed and I don’t power up again until Monday morning. It was painful at first but now I crave my tech-free day. The quiet is blissful and I speak with God so much more without the constant distraction. Sunday also gives me space to believe that I can change. I can be an obedient child of God. My true desire is not for more deliveries of things to clutter my house, or hours of content showing me how I don’t measure up, or an endless audio barrage of information and opinions. My true desire is a simple, quiet, peace-filled life that honors God and points others to Jesus. I desire to be holy in all I do.
For reflection:
- What habit, thought or distraction would you say most interferes with your pursuit of holiness? What steps can you take today to overcome those things and live the life God calls us to?
- Place a donkey near Mary. She may have ridden a donkey to Bethlehem, because she was so close to having a baby. Years later, Jesus Himself would ride a donkey into Jerusalem.
by Katie Lewis
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