Read Galatians 5:22-25
This passage shows us what our lives would look like when we let the Holy Spirit lead us. I have heard of the fruit of the Spirit many times, at home and in Sunday School. I learned a song about it, too. My dad often tells me that as Christians, we must be doers of God’s Word, not just hearers. Since we have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires (v. 24), our everyday life should showcase that. I want all the fruit of the Spirit to show in my life, and I am learning I can’t just wish for the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit grows as I let God’s Spirit guide my decisions.
The fruit of the Spirit shows in our actions. When an argument is going on, and I de-escalate it, I show peace. If someone wrongs me, I can choose self-control despite the feeling of retaliating. I show faithfulness when I keep my promise by playing a game with my brother. It takes work to stay in step with the Spirit. The desires that “died” seem to fight, trying to control us. God is the only way to live in line with the Holy Spirit truly. We can ask Him to help us listen to the Holy Spirit because we want to look like Him, our Heavenly Dad. And He will allow us because He is faithful. A daily devotion like studying Scriptures and praying helps me keep in step with the Spirit. Daily yielding to God and His Word helps set our minds in the right direction, and His fruit can show in our lives.
For reflection:
- Which attribute (love, joy, peace, etc.) of the fruit of the Spirit is hardest for you to recognize in yourself? Why?
- What can you do to see that aspect grow more a part of who you are?
by Timi Osemwegie (Grade 9)
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