Read Isaiah 35:5-6 and Matthew 11:2-6
“Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me.” (Matthew 11:6)
John the Baptist preached that the Messiah would come in fiery judgment and glorious restoration. Jesus, filled with the Spirit, was working in Galilee among sinners. He intimately and compassionately showed God’s mercy in teaching, preaching good news, healing and restoring life. John, in prison for rebuking Herod, heard of these works and struggled with how Jesus was working. He reached out to Jesus and received what he needed most: hope in Jesus as His works fulfilled Isaiah’s messianic prophecy.
The mercy in Jesus’ work continued and would bring forth freedom from sin and death through His sacrificial death and resurrection. As believers, we acknowledge our desperate need for God and His mercy. In this fallen world, we need God’s compassion, love and help in doing what we cannot do for ourselves. God is at work in His loving-kindness toward us in forgiveness and steadfast love though we are unfaithful and undeserving. In His goodwill toward us He is freeing us from sin and suffering. If we become ensnared by Satan’s lies that we do not need or cannot fully receive God’s mercy, we can doubt and be fearful of God. If we do not seek God’s mercy anew every day, we can become prideful. These are serious stumbling blocks.
Jesus warns in the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant (Matthew 18:21-35) that without His mercy working in us, we will find ourselves in prisons of our own making. If we withhold forgiveness in judgment of other people, and sow seeds of division and strife in our relationships with them, we worsen their trials and suffering. But when we love God and others in serving them as Jesus calls with compassion, kindness and forgiveness we extend His merciful work to them and are greatly blessed.
- How is God working in you to receive His mercy and love?
- How is Jesus calling you to mercifully love, serve and share His goodnews with others?
written by Karen Whaley
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