The Book of Jeremiah was written when God was about to exile the Kingdom of Judah for their rank apostasy. In this passage, the Lord begins with a stern rebuke to people who were supposed to be providing spiritual care for the people. It is a sobering passage for anyone who provides any ministerial care for others.
For the past eight years, I have taught Sunday school. Teaching fifth grade this year often feels like shepherding a small flock of sheep…who stopped at Starbucks on their way to the pasture…and ordered double espresso shots. When I read this passage, I think of my own shepherding responsibilities, whether serving NextGen or even with my family, my two children. Woe to me if my words or actions are driving people away from the Lord!
Then, the passage turns with a wonderful prophecy. First, God will gather His flock with better shepherds. Beyond that, in verse five, God promises a righteous branch, a King who will reign wisely, do what is just and right. In the Christmas story, we see this “righteous branch” revealed as Jesus.
The reality is that for every Christian involved in ministry care (which is all of us), we are all sheep! As another Old Testament Messianic prophecy says, “We all, like sheep, have gone astray.” I will never be a perfect shepherd to my family, the kids. Praise God that when Jesus came, He arrived as a man who always did what was just and right. For the 5th graders, I can rest knowing that the Good Shepherd is protecting them, teaching them, correcting them justly and rightly, just as He has and continues to shepherd me in that way. Even through difficult times, I know that Jesus’ gentle shepherding has always been perfect. When I’ve wandered, He found me and brought me back. He’s always led me to good pasture.
The passage ends with naming this king, “The Lord our Righteousness.” Thank you, Lord Jesus, that you are our righteous Good Shepherd and King.
For Reflection:
- Where can we trust in God’s wisdom, justice, and righteousness today?
by Kevin Kelly
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