Read Psalm 1 and John 15:1-17
Holy Week begins with what I think is the most uncommercialized holiday in the whole year: Palm Sunday. Nobody buys gifts for each other, there is no bunny, no jolly man traveling around the earth on a sleigh with reindeer, no special food (that I know about, anyway). People don’t buy Palm Sunday greeting cards. Ladies and girls don’t buy new dresses like they do for Easter. The only music associated with Palm Sunday is sacred, and there isn’t even much of that.
For all these reasons and more, I love Palm Sunday! I remember as a young girl having a sense of anticipation on Palm Sunday about the week ahead, knowing there would be sadness and then happiness in the retelling of the Jesus story. I remember when our own daughters were young, watching them process with a group of other Eastbrook children at Riverside University High School with their palms—one with her single blade perfectly straight, the other waving it around like a light saber. I could tell they had the same kind of anticipation.
Palm branches were symbolic of victory in Jesus’ day, and the people waving them to welcome our Savior as He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey were making a statement about what they wanted Jesus to do for them, the kind of king they hoped He would be. They shouted “Hosanna!”, which means “Save us!”, although they did not understand the manner in which He would do so. They had a lot to learn, but I think we do too.
As we continue immersing ourselves in Psalm 1 and John 15 this week, take some time to think about how Jesus is the true “righteous man” being described in Psalm 1. Reflect on what we read in John 15 about remaining in Jesus, the true vine, in light of what Jesus went through on his journey to the Cross.
And when you come to church this Palm Sunday, wave your palm branch with joy! Jesus truly is the victorious King of Glory!
For reflection:
- Each Sunday we include discussion questions on the sermon insert that can be used for deeper reflection and/or small group discussions. Take time to read through those questions today. You can find a digital version online at
by Pastor Ruth Carver
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