The Word

Read Matthew 1:112 Kings 22:1-2, 8-13; 23:1-6

I remember finding the Bible when I was in college. Although I grew up hearing these words weekly in church, once I put my faith in Christ, they suddenly had new meaning as I read them for myself, and the Holy Spirit breathed life into them. Even more powerful was discussing them in a Bible study where a woman of mature faith led several of us new Christians to “inquire of the
Lord…about what is written in the Book”
(2 Kings 22:13).

When did you first find this Book? Have you ever set it aside, as the Israelites did in their temple, gathering dust or hidden beneath your idols? Most important is our response to finding God’s Word. When King Josiah, age 26, was presented with the neglected Book found in the temple, he tore his robes in mourning and repentance. Immediately he sought the meaning of the words and, as king, made it a priority that “all the people from the least to the greatest” heard those words. They responded in obedience and renewed their covenant relationship with God. 

King Josiah stands out in Jesus’ family tree as one who restored God’s Word to centrality in the lives of the Israelites. The New Testament introduces Jesus as the Word: “the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). Jesus came for all people, from the least to the greatest, that they might hear, obey, and enter into the New Covenant. 

Since those college days of soaking in God’s Word, there have been times that long work hours or demands of caring for young children have made it difficult to prioritize time in God’s Word. But whenever I began reading the Bible daily, praying through Scripture or memorizing verses, God’s presence grew near again.  

During advent, celebrate Jesus, “The Word [who] became flesh and made His dwelling among us” (John 1:14).

For Family Discussion: Jesus wants to be your go-to person.  How can you let Him do this?  

For Personal Reflection: Recall a time when the words of Scripture came alive to you. When was this? How did it impact your life? What practices would help you to have similar encounters with God’s Word now?

by Ann Hacker