As mom of two wonderful, rambunctious kids I have often said, “Hold on! I’m talking—I’ll be with you in a moment.” When reading this passage in Matthew, this phrase stands out to me: “…while He was teaching, the chief priests and the elders of the people came to Him” (v. 23). It appears they asked Jesus a question while He was teaching. If there was ever a time to say, “I’ll be with you in a moment,” this could have been it! And yet, Jesus responds to their question with patience, wit, and strength.
I’ve heard it said that the divinity of Jesus was revealed in the way He responded to people. In moments of being on the road (Matthew 9:27, 19:1-2), in stepping away to pray or rest, and even when leaving a dangerous situation (Matthew 12:14-15); Jesus still took the time to listen, heal, answer, restore. This is not a human reaction, y’all.
Jesus’ authority over His own emotions and the questions of naysayers, and the compassion He shows in the midst of being desperately misunderstood is incredible. Plus, check out what He says in response to the religious leaders’ question! It’s clear these men planned this moment so they could immediately deny the validity of Jesus’ response. In essence, they asked, “Who gave you the right to act this way?”
In moments where I have felt wrongly judged or misunderstood I have fought like crazy to be understood. To justify what I think to be true of myself. And yet, the truest Person who ever lived did not fight to be understood. In His counter response, Jesus was not evading a hard question…He was shining a light on the religious leaders’ motive. Somewhat ironically, the answer to Jesus’ question about John’s baptism was also the answer to the religious leaders’ question. Both John’s baptism and the authority of Jesus came from heaven—from God the Father!
One of my favorite songs by Audrey Assad, entitled ‘I Shall Not Want,’ includes the following lines: “From the need to be understood, and from the need to be accepted…Deliver me, O God.” May Jesus continually reveal in my heart the moments where I feel the need to be understood. Take a moment and ask Jesus to help you stop striving to be known by others, and to simply rest in His beautiful authority. How good it is to be fully known by Him.
For reflection:
- Where are you most tempted to fight to be “known” by others?
- How can you increase in your ability to rest in being fully known by Jesus?
by Jamie Chapman
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