Tuesday: The Return Reading

Start with prayer. Ask God to impart wisdom to your mind, ask Jesus to relate the words to your soul, and ask the Holy Spirit to illumine your heart to their words.

Read the full chapters of Deuteronomy 6 and Matthew 3 today. Read slowly and out loud if possible. 

Read both chapters again, this time noting the phrases that stood out to you yesterday through the passages. 

Spend some time answering the questions below.

  • Is there a recurring pattern in the words, phrases and themes that stood out to you? And if so, how many times do they reoccur? 
  • Are there themes that emerge from both of these passages?
  • What do these themes mean to you? Why are they important, why do you think they stood out?

Write out a prayer, asking God to continue to reveal what these words/themes/Scripture passages mean for your life.

End in prayer. Ask God to impart wisdom to your mind, ask Jesus to relate the words to your soul, and ask the Holy Spirit to illumine your heart to their words.