The Joy of Faith
January 6/7, 2018 An introduction to the book of Philippians, the letter and its themes, the situation of the Apostle Paul, and the situation of the Philippian...
January 6/7, 2018 An introduction to the book of Philippians, the letter and its themes, the situation of the Apostle Paul, and the situation of the Philippian...
January 13/14, 2018 This week focuses on God’s people as the community of joy under Christ, the ultimate bringer of joy as Messiah. Key text: Philippians 1:27-2:11
January 20/21, 2018 This week of our “Unshackled” series on Philippians focuses on the call from Philippians 2:12-30 to shine like stars and two examples of joyful...
January 27/28, 2018 This sermon from Philippians 3:1-14 brings attention to Paul’s unstoppable focus on Christ in his life and ministry, and what we can learn from...
February 3/4, 2018 This week, Pastor Matt unpacks Philippians 3:15-4:3 and explores themes of spiritual growth in relation to joy.
February 10/11, 2018 Philippians 4:4-23 highlights the call “rejoice in the Lord always” as Paul brings this letter to a close.