This past Sunday the Church around the world celebrated Pentecost. And while our immediate focus of remembering this holiday is on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, we cannot overlook that such an outpouring was received in order to bring all people into one unified family under Christ.
When we see the injustice that happened to George Floyd at the hands of police, and we hear the stories of our African American brothers and sisters in Christ, we acknowledge that we still have a long path to journey on together towards such a unified family.
That is why this past Sunday church leaders from a wide range of denominations and experiences came together to organize a prayer walk for the Christian community in Milwaukee. Many from Eastbrook Church participated in the prayer walk. It was a very deeply moving and impactful shared experience. One even said that it was one the most memorable Pentecost Sunday “church services” that they’ve been a part of.
Let us continue to walk forward together in prayer, unified in Christ, as we seek to listen and act in our families, community, and city.
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