Walking Faithfully with God

Read Genesis 6:9-13

Each of us has had to remind ourselves—or it may be better to say we have been reminded through our failures—that it is futile to live a life of faith without God’s help. Perhaps this struggle assists us as we consider the immense task of building an ark as Noah had been assigned by God.

If you were like I was when I first heard this story as a boy, you may have had a hard time wrapping your mind around it. Build an ark big enough to carry your family to safety along with two of all living creatures? I was a Cub Scout near that time, which meant I had to take a block of wood and some plastic wheels to construct a race car. Big failure! Mine didn’t even roll halfway down the ramp. So Noah must have superhuman carpentry skills, right?

No, that is not how the Scripture introduces us to Noah. Instead we learn of his character rather than his skill sets. While only Jesus is perfect, Noah is righteous, “blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God.” Noah lived in contrast to the rest of the human race, and yet with God walking beside him, even closing the door behind him, he was able to accomplish the work to which he had been called, surrounded by cynics.

We should remember this, that God works through faithful people to change the course of history through so many lives. It is not our doing alone, but an invitation to receive a calling and carry it out by walking daily in fellowship with God.

For Reflection: 

  • When have you lived “in contrast” to those around you in a way that honored God? How did it feel to take that stand for Him? What was the result? 
by John Schuessler

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