Week 2: Seeing the Mission of Jesus in the Old Testament Prophets
Throughout Scripture we read descriptions that shake us. We read of the brokenness and sin in the world, and of people who commit horrific acts of violence and destruction against others. And we know that our Savior is deeply troubled as well. God even describes His relationship with the nation of Israel as that of a man seeking to remain faithful to a promiscuous and unfaithful bride. And yet, the prophets tell us there is hope in this story. It’s a story about a God who made a covenant with His people, even while knowing they would disobey Him. A God who loves the world and shows immeasurable compassion.
Throughout the prophets we catch glimpses of a God who would go so far as to enter our sinful world. Jesus would know our weaknesses, see the injustice in the world, and would ultimately bring peace through the Cross. The mission and purpose of Jesus is and has always been to write a story of reconciliation and a story of hope, one that we see through the prophets.
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