Week Three Review and Application

Use this time either by yourself, with one or two other people, or with your Small Group to reflect on how this week’s readings have impacted you.

Reflect on Your Discoveries from the Previous Week:

Based on your reading and reflection this week, what did you discover about the kingdom of God?


What did you discover about yourself?


What questions are you still wondering about after having read the passages this week?

Nurture Growth Through Confession and Repentance:

As you went through the readings and devotions, where did the Spirit lead you to repentance and faith this week?


Spend time praying for others and for the Holy Spirit to help us have faith in the forgiveness and grace of God.

Encourage Each Other Towards Action in Response:

As you went through the readings and devotions, where did the Spirit lead you to repentance and faith this week?


Spend time praying for others and for the Holy Spirit to help us have faith in the forgiveness and grace of God.

Encourage Each Other Towards Action in Response:

  1. In light of what I have discovered about God and myself this week, what is one thing I need to do differently? What steps will I take to implement this change?
  2. As a Disciple-Making-Disciple, who am I impacting for Christ? Who am I praying for? How am I introducing them to the kingdom of God?