This passage includes one of my favorite prayers by Paul, verse 17. He prays that we would receive the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that we may know God more. He wants us to see what truly matters in life (wisdom), to see what’s really going on in our hearts and in the hearts of others. And ultimately to see how Christ is living His life here now on earth (revelation), so that we might be caught up in that life. All of this is for the purpose of knowing Him more.
When we can see what truly matters, when we look for where the life of Christ is flowing, and we step into that wave of life with our hearts, minds and bodies, we experience living in a new way. We experience salvation. Redemption. Mind. Body. Soul. We encounter God in ways that are tangible and powerful. Paul is praying that we would know our Father in Heaven in this way.
This passage has helped me understand that my faith is more than a mindset. It’s not something that only lives in my head and my emotions. It comes to life when I put my whole self into the things that matter most, when I practice my faith in response to the wisdom and revelation that God is giving us.
The rest of this passage, verses 18-22, goes into more detail about what He wants our hearts to truly understand. He has given us great hope. A glorious inheritance to be received in the community of believers. And power… the same power that was there when Christ rose from the dead. To know Him is to see and step into all of that with all of ourselves, so that we may know Him better.
This passage has been a main focus for me as I pray for my wife, Laura, our four daughters, and their classmates at Eastbrook Academy. I love having access to St. Paul’s prayers. His words guide my prayers, and they give me confidence that I’m asking God for something He delights in giving us.
For Reflection:
- What do you think is the significance of the fact that when Paul prays for wisdom for us, it is focused on our knowing God more?
- For whom can you pray this prayer today so that their life can be lived with a greater understanding of who God is and what He wants for their lives?
by Greg Marshall
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