Read Jonah 1:14-17 and Matthew 12:38-42
“At this the men greatly feared the Lord, and they offered a sacrifice to the Lord and made vows to him” (Jonah 1:16)
Chapter one of Jonah seems to end with nothing more than a raging storm, a messy prophet, and sailors in complete desperation. But then, chaos turns to calm. These sailors, who previously had not followed God, now come with open hearts to the reality of an all-powerful yet compassionate God. As the story continues, Jonah remains resistant to the calling God has on Him, yet God remains relentless to show mercy on all whose hearts are open to receive it.
When I worked as a minister on a college campus, I sometimes had Jonah moments: wanting to run from the people God was inviting me to extend mercy to, hiding from people who I assumed might never come to know Jesus. But God was constantly surprising me with who would receive the signs that were being shown to them of His love. I look forward to the day when I stand next to these surprising witnesses at the throne of God, enjoying His compassionate love together for all of eternity.
The Pharisees in Matthew 12 had the opportunity to witness multiple signs. The problem is their hearts aren’t willing to listen. They ask Jesus for a sign not because they are faithfully seeking to know Him more, but because they desire to test Jesus. And the consequences of that are clear. Jesus makes Himself known as the powerful and wise King, coming in compassion but also in justice: compassion on those who receive the signs revealed and judgment on those whose hard hearts remain resistant.
Those moments as a campus minister when I would be surprised by the people who turned to God, often served as a sign for me of just how real and relentlessly-loving God is. As I watched others respond with an open heart to the sign of our Savior, it caused my heart to open wider as well, to faithfully step into what Jesus revealed to me. And through that, I have experienced more of the faithful, wise, and powerful God, who, as the Final Judge, will turn in compassion to all those who come with hearts open to receive what He has revealed.
- Think of someone in your life who would surprise you if they came to know Christ. What will you do to help make that happen?
written by Amanda Kilponen
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