I was raised in a small Southern town in Mississippi. I remember my mother taking me and my brother to church and Sunday school. She was my first Sunday school teacher. Grandmother would sit in her rocking chair and read from that big black Bible in her lap.
They reminded me of Timothy’s mother Eunice and grandmother Lois in the Bible. Their faithfulness to God’s Word planted seeds in my brother and me (Proverbs 22:6).
Once a year we met in church for a week of “revival meetings.” We kids would have to sit on the “mourners bench” while they would pray and tarry for the Holy Spirit to come down and save us “sinners.” It wasn’t the “Four Spiritual Laws” method but effective.
Our pastor only had the Bible (no seminary or theological degree), faith, and the ministry of the Holy Spirit for the Word to do God’s saving.
In Romans 1:18-23 Paul preached and taught a doctrine of salvation based on righteousness of God, His love, and wrath. This was a dualism of God’s nature and divine attribute: God’s displeasure of evil but love for the world. Read Psalms 103:8-12, 30:4-5 & John 3:16—His love endures forever.
We are without excuse, for God has revealed Himself in our hearts and the natural order of creation. We are created to worship and glorify God. To not believe leaves one with no direction or sense of purpose. As John McArthur states, “man’s search for meaning and purpose will produce only vain, meaningless conclusions.”
God, through His son Jesus the Christ, loved us and proved it by His birth, death, resurrection, and ascension. We need no idols to fill the empty space sin placed in our souls.
Pray, seek, receive the gift of salvation for righteousness sake and a heavenly home in the arms of our Lord and Savior Jesus.
For Reflection:
- Can you think of any reason why you would not believe in God? Who could you talk to about this?
- How did you come to saving faith to receive salvation? Please share this gift with someone today…everyday
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