Worship Experience Response

Sunday After Christmas: Messiah, Magi & the Nations

Just a few days ago we celebrated the coming of the promised Savior, Jesus! But the family tree continues to grow, and this week’s focus on the Magi gives us clues about what this will look like. Coming from the east, the Magi represent the non-Jewish world—Gentiles who would faithfully seek Christ and worship Him. Jesus’ ministry would start among His own people, but would expand to include the nations, “grafted in” to the family tree (See Romans 11:19-20). 

In seeking the newborn King, however, the Magi also encounter King Herod. In this week’s readings, the dichotomy is set before us—the conspiring, kingdoms of this world vs. the sovereign, eternal Kingdom of Jesus. 

Use this page to reflect on this week’s worship service. Where did you sense the Holy Spirit stirring your heart? Was it the message, the music, or some other aspect of the service? What was the “big idea” behind the message you heard? What did you learn about God, or about yourself and how you relate to God? 

How can you respond to the message you’ve heard? Is there an action you will take this week to put in into practice? 

Is there someone else that you think would be blessed by experiencing this week’s worship service? You can share the link from our Eastbrook at Home webpage, eastbrook.org/athome.