A Second Look at the Fatherhood of God

Dads, this season of pandemic has shifted your role in ways that you were not prepared for. Dads who love to be problem solvers, could not solve Covid-19. Dads who love to strategize could not make plans in the uncharted territory of figuring out when and how to return to “normal” life.
Some of you have had double-duty, carrying on your day job while sharing homeschool responsibility.
Some of you would love to have double-duty, but you don’t, because you’ve lost your job.
You try to lead your families and keep up their spirits amidst dozens of cancellations and dashed dreams, but you feel a bit helpless. You can’t produce, you can’t fix, you can’t plan.
When we call God our “Heavenly Father” the picture that comes to mind is God as all-powerful, all-knowing, all-seeing. Truly super-human.
But, there’s a second look, a lesser known picture of our heavenly Father, found in Hosea 11. In this chapter, Hosea speaks the words of God, who looks upon His children (Ephraim) as they wander from His love:
“It was I who taught Ephraim to walk,
taking them by the arms;
but they did not realize
it was I who healed them.
I led them with cords of human kindness,
with ties of love.
To them I was like one who lifts
a little child to the cheek,
and I bent down to feed them” (Hosea 11:3-4)
This is an intimate look into the affectionate Father-heart of God. He teaches, heals, guides, and provides for his children. He “bends down” to be at their level, and meet their needs where they are. These are not super-human activities; they are the everyday acts that show presence, involvement and care.
This summer, with fewer activities on the calendar, you may still feel confined and frustrated. But, be encouraged—some of the most important qualities of your Fatherhood, and some of the most important life lessons you can pass on to your children–could actually shine a little brighter this summer.
VBS Kit Update
Tomorrow is the last day to order your family VBS Kit! If you haven’t already, please register for your free kit here. The response to this effort has been overwhelming! While we, as a children’s ministry team, feel a little emotional about NOT being the ones to carry out these sessions, we are so excited to see that, by the number of registrations we have, there will potentially be more children reached this summer than we typically bring on to our campus for the week of VBS!
So, the ministry that the pandemic has tried to stall . . . God is moving forward!
We are so excited to think that as families open these boxes and prep the lessons, there will be MORE engagement and discipleship happening in families, MORE spontaneous talks with your kids, MORE missional opportunity as you invite other friends or neighbors to participate.
NEXT WEEK we will be sending out a video that shows you what your box will contain, and how to use it! Please watch for that. At any time, please reach out to our team with your questions:
For preschool help, contact Dawn – [email protected]
For elementary age help, contact Laura – [email protected]
For older-kid help, contact Megan – [email protected]
(For help with the digital worship-rally component, contact Laura or Megan)
For administrative help, contact Karin – [email protected]
For everything else, contact Laure – [email protected]
Services Online Return to 8 am, 9:30 am & 11 am this Sunday, June 21
One In-Person Service at 9:30 am on Sunday, June 21 – RSVP REQUIRED
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