Read James 5:13-16
“Lord, show me through James 5:13-16 the power of healing in the church today and the significance of corporate prayer as a body of Christ.”
As a Christian living in the 21st century, I believe that the Lord works through science and medicine to heal, but I often find myself lacking the faith to ask for miraculous healing when I pray. I have heard amazing testimonies of healing like the one from my father, who God used to heal someone who was unable to walk. Yet, I struggle to ask boldly for healing when I pray.
“Lord, allow us to boldly offer prayers in faith for the healing of those who are hurting.”
Reading the second part of the passage, I was struck by the language used when it says to “confess your sins to each other…that you may be healed.” I found it a bit strange that sin was contrasted with healing. Shouldn’t the other side of confessing sin be forgiveness like it is in verse 15? Yet as I thought about it, I thought about how in my life there are times where even after the confession of sin, I find myself bitter, angry, and critical of myself. The beauty of the passage is that the forgiveness has already happened (in verse 15). More forgiveness isn’t what we need in that moment, we need the healing in our hearts for the bitterness. We need healing from the anger. We are being called to the corporate healing of the self-critique through confession and prayer as a community.
“Lord, show your church the forgiveness, healing and freedom that comes with confession of sin within Your body. Show your church the powerful and effective prayers of righteous people and let us all strive to be those righteous people.”
For Personal Reflection: Where do you most need Jesus’ healing right now? Physically? Emotionally? Relationally? Bring these needs to Jesus today.
by Zac Lee
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