
Mar 30 2025


All Day

Sunday Nursery & Preschool Open

Sundays   ·   8, 9:30, and 11  am ·  B-100s hallway

Infants and toddlers are cared for during all three services on Sundays (8, 9:30 & 11 am).

On Family Worship Weekends (April 20 and May 25), Nursery and Preschool are only available during the 9:30 and 11 am services.

When you’re in our building, look for signs pointing you to the Nursery Counter, located on the first floor immediately north of the Main Lobby.

Additional details:

  • Registration: If you’re visiting for the first time, you will need to fill out a Family Registration Form. Use this form to register your family/add a child with the Eastbrook Church Children’s Ministry. You can download it and bring it with you, or fill it out when you get here.
  • Sign In & Pick Up: We use an electronic check-in system that connects with our church database, CCB, to sign your child in to the Nursery. We also ask that you leave your cell phone number and put your phone on vibrate so you can be contacted if necessary. When you pick up your child, you will check them out using CCB.
  • Safety & Security: We require all our volunteers to be trained and screened and maintain strict teacher-to-child ratios to ensure safe care. For health standards, children must be free from fever or symptoms of contagious disease for 24 hours. Let us know of any allergies or medical conditions your child may have.

Questions? Contact Laure Herlinger; [email protected], 414.228.5220 x225.