Read Hebrews 12:18-24
“Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die.”
We all know the movie, and the characters in the scene. We resonate with Inigo and his desire to bring justice to his father. This sentiment is common and usually makes us feel better when the villain gets what’s coming. We are made with a deep-seated longing for things to be made right in the world. And that is good. We should strive for justice for those who have been wronged.
But wait, what if we are the one who has it coming? What if we are the cause of someone’s blood cry and the object of their loved one’s revenge? I can assure you when I turn the mirror of villainy on myself, I don’t always like what I see. Gossip, pride, strife, disobedience, impatience, and lack of mercy abound. All of which the scripture calls evil. All of which puts me on the undesirable side of justice. Suddenly, the battle cry is not so appealing when it is raised against my wrongdoing.
My mind quickly becomes sober and my spirit cries for the blood of Jesus to wash me clean; to once again grant me access to Mount Zion. I long for His Word to speak mercy over me and to shout forgiveness louder than guilt. I am thankful I do not get what I deserve because of the blood Jesus poured out at the Cross. No longer do I have to suffer “humiliations galore.” Instead, I overflow with joy because of Him who took the humiliation upon Himself.
For Personal Reflection: How aware are you of the grace God has shown you? Practice a time of confession to remind yourself of the things Jesus’ sacrifice has covered in your life, then rest in the joy of knowing that He is faithful to forgive.
✧ Nativity Building: Bring out the figures of sheep and shepherds and set them outside of the stable. These will be the first to hear the JOYFUL news that Jesus is born!
by Jennifer Dreger
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