Read Romans 5:1-5
For centuries the Jewish people had been seeking peace or shalom with God. Shalom means much more than the absence of conflict. It refers to an inner completeness and tranquility of mind, soul and body and also peace in the community. Here Paul tells us that by His death, Jesus allows Christians to be declared righteous by faith in Jesus. Sin no longer blocks our relationship with God. We can have shalom with God, with each other and with our broader community.
We then learn that we have been granted access by this same faith into God’s presence. I picture myself standing before God with Jesus at His right hand in the throne room of God rejoicing in the glory of God. Paul states that “we exult in the hope of the glory of God.” In this world we see glimpses of God’s glory but “when Christ appears, we shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is” (1 John 3:2).
But for now, we live in a fallen world. Just as He had to experience suffering and death so He could purchase peace with God, we also will experience suffering and pressures in this life. Then Paul states that we are not merely to endure suffering but to rejoice in it. Why? Because suffering causes endurance and this helps us to develop a more Christ-like character (2 Corinthians 2:19). As I have matured in my walk with Christ and have experienced physical and relationship challenges, I have sought God in prayer allowing Him to increase my trust and hope in Him. Also “for just as we share abundantly in the sufferings of Christ, so our comfort abounds through Christ” to others (2 Corinthians 1:5).
And then my favorite part of these verses. This hope does not disappoint me because Jesus has poured and continues to pour His love into my heart through His Holy Spirit. When Jesus ascended into heaven, He did not leave us alone but sent His Holy Spirit (John 16:27). The Holy Spirit helps us to experience His love and live by His power and share his love with others. What can be better than that?
For Personal Reflection: How do we as believers come to enjoy peace with God? How is it possible for us to rejoice in the sufferings and pressures of life?
by Bonnie Tesch
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