God is King: Tracing the Kingdom of God through the Old Testament
September 6, 2020
The fundamental reality of Scripture is that God is king of the world. We will trace the theme of the kingdom of God throughout the Old Testament, with examples from Adam and Eve, Samuel and the judges, King Saul and King David, the prophets and exile, Daniel’s apocalyptic, and Messianic expectations.
Genesis 1-2; 1 Samuel 8:1-9; Psalm 24; Daniel 2:29-49; 7:1-28
Other Sermons In This Series

The Kingdom of God and the Kingdoms of this World
September 27, 2020

Jesus is Lord: Tracing the Kingdom of God in the New Testament
September 13, 2020

The Holy Spirit in Us: Living in the Kingdom of God
September 20, 2020