Sand-Castles or Lego-Castles
Read Matthew 7:24-29 When I go to the beach, sometimes I build sand-castles with my brother. We can spend hours digging trenches, making walls, towers and everything. One thing that...

Real Response
Read Matthew 7:15-23 Do you remember playing the game, “follow the leader”? My kids used to love playing this game with me at the playgrounds around our house. They knew which...

The Hard Road
Read Matthew 7:13-14 “For the gate is narrow and the road hard that leads to life, and there are few that find it.” (Matthew 7:14) I wonder how many...

Love Your Neighbor as Yourself
Read Matthew 7:12 The word love is used hundreds of times throughout the Bible, in both the Old and New Testament. Love is both a noun (a thing) and...

Asking Our Father
Read Matthew 7:7-11 Years after it happened, our son told us about some bullying he’d experienced in middle school. We hurt for him, but we also wondered, “Why didn’t you...

The Best Construction
Read Matthew 7:1-6 Concluding His teaching on the spiritual life, Jesus transitions His teaching to talk about human relationships. How should we relate to our neighbors? He begins by saying...