Humility & Service
Read John 13:34-35 Have you ever had someone serve you in an unexpected way? I’m sure the disciples were shocked that someone in authority over them would stoop down...

Special Needs and Sensory Activities
This week’s several members of our Eastbrook Kids Special Needs Resource Team have come together to develop this list of sensory activities you can try during this season of Safer-at-Home...

Come and See God at Work in the Bread of Healing Clinic
by Jan Schimming On the lower level of Eastbrook Church, next to Fellowship Hall and below Worship Hall, is one of Eastbrook’s best kept secrets. The Bread of Healing Clinic...

Get to know an Eastbrooker: Brian Dreger
You might have noticed Brian as a guitarist in the worship ministry, but he’s also a Life Group leader, formerly taught the membership class and helped start a Young Couples...