God is King: Tracing the Kingdom of God through the Old Testament
September 6, 2020 The fundamental reality of Scripture is that God is king of the world. We will trace the theme of the kingdom of God throughout...
September 6, 2020 The fundamental reality of Scripture is that God is king of the world. We will trace the theme of the kingdom of God throughout...
September 13, 2020 Jesus the Messiah and the kingdom of God/heaven. We will explore Jesus’ description of the kingdom, the nature of the gospel, kingdom parables, kingdom...
September 20, 2020 The basic declaration of faith for the Christian is “Jesus is Lord” (Romans 10:9). This flies in the face of the declaration that “Caesar...
September 27, 2020 When Jesus proclaimed that “the kingdom of God has come near” (Mark 1:15), He declared the radical in-breaking of God’s rule and reign. Based...
Leadership Community · Monday, September 28 at 7 pm This Leadership Community gathering with Dr. Vince Bacote is intended to equip, inspire, and inform our church leaders. About Dr....
October 4, 2020 What does our faith mean in relation to the wide variety of publicly debated concerns in our society, like abortion, marriage, healthcare, economic models,...