VBS 2020

As you might imagine, planning camp programming for this summer has been quite a journey! The children’s ministry team has worked on a number of different strategies for offering the same level of fun and engaging camp experience for your kids, within the changing physical distancing guidelines in place for the city of Milwaukee. Here, we describe this summer’s plan–Home VBS in a Kit, offered with a special kick-off event!
After consulting our Eastbrook medical advisory team and working through the logistics of how to make some version of Summer Camphappen in a safe and healthy way, we have determined that the best option is to offer our families a free “VBS Kit” that contains everything you need to pull off a backyard VBS for your own family, or perhaps, a few friends!
With your kit, you can . . .
. . . schedule VBS whenever you like—5 mornings in a row, 5 Mondays in a row, or evenings, if that works best.
. . . partner with another family to rotate leadership responsibilities among parents
. . . Use the material for outreach in your neighborhood
Here’s what your “Concrete and Cranes” VBS Kit contains:
- 5 sessions of “Concrete and Cranes” VBS, containing a Bible story, key verses, crafts, games, and a missions moment, all modified for physical distancing guidelines
- An optional digital component—a virtual worship rally with short worship and drama videos, found on our password protected Eastbrook Kids webpage
- Supplies for crafts, games and other activities
- Camp T-shirts
- Optional preschool component
- Optional older kid component
- Lots of fun extras!
Here’s the “Concrete and Cranes” Bible content for each of the 5 days:
Theme: Jesus! Our Strong Foundation
Theme verse: “I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Jesus Christ.” (Philippians 1:6, CSB)
Day 1: Foundation of Love—Matthew 9:9-13
Day 2: Foundation of Forgiveness—Acts 26:1-29
Day 3: Foundation of Worth—Matthew 26:36-46
Day 4: Foundation of Promise—Matthew 28:1-10,16-20
Day 5: Foundation for Life—Matthew 7:24-29
We are planning a VBS celebration for pick-up of the VBS kits on Monday, July 6 from 1-3pm and again on Tuesday, July 7 from 6-8pm! Our children’s ministry staff will be on hand to answer your questions. We will have treats and special activities on our west parking lot and playground! Please join us!
In order to get your VBS Kit for FREE, you need to fill out this form no later than June 20th. This allows us to purchase supplies and assemble boxes in time for our VBS celebration. After the 20th, a $5.00 fee will be assessed for late orders.
For more information, please contact Laure at [email protected].
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