Week 2: His Glory Brings Joy
Humans can do some pretty amazing things. Think about the heroes that we admire. Who do you look up to? We also admire stories of heroes who are “super,” or above or beyond, heroes. Think about superhero stories that you have read or seen. What amazing things did those superheroes do? Did you ever want to be strong or fast like a superhero?
We know that superheroes with amazing powers are fun to think about. But in this Bible passage, Peter, James, and John see Jesus in a new way. They have already seen Jesus feed and heal many people. Now, when they go up the mountain, they see Jesus as super—above and beyond what humans look like. And they were terrified! Jesus comforts them and tells them not to fear.
When we read this story, it sounds like Jesus is a superhero. But Jesus is MORE than a superhero. He is God, come to earth to save us. He is REAL! Jesus is God’s glory come to earth as a real human that the disciples could hear, see, and touch. In their time with Jesus, His friends learned that following Him brought true joy and peace. Joy that we experience here on earth only lasts for a little while and does not satisfy us for long, like a candy that is soon gone. But Jesus’ joy lasts forever! We receive His joy when we follow Him.
The disciples got to see a little bit of what Jesus truly looks like. Some day we will see his splendor too! Think of what a joyful time that will be!
- Use your crayons, markers or paint to make a picture of the transfigured, glorified Jesus! As you work, ask Mom or Dad to play some worship music.
- What do you know about glory? How is Jesus’ glory different from any “super-power” we can imagine?
by Megan Hendricks
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