Week 3: His Healing by Faith
Has your family baked Christmas cookies yet? Are you old enough to read the recipe and add the ingredients?
If so, then you know how recipes will say things like, “Add two cups of flour, one cup of sugar, 2 eggs.” But, what happens if you only add 1 cup of flour, or just one egg? You might just be left with a big, gloppy mess!
Thankfully, our faith is NOT like a recipe! In today’s Bible story, a man came to Jesus, asking for his son to be healed of a scary sickness. He had asked Jesus’ disciples to heal the boy, but they couldn’t. Did they just not have enough faith in God? Did they have only one cup of faith when they really needed . . . 10 cups of faith? We can’t measure faith like flour or eggs. Faith is a decision to reach out to God. It’s God that does the real healing, and not us. Jesus told the disciples (and us!) that even if we have a teeny, tiny amount of faith (have you ever seen how tiny a mustard seed is?) you will see God do amazing things!
And, that’s what happened in the second Bible story! Two blind men called out to Jesus—that was their act of faith! Jesus asked them what they wanted, and they told Him that they wanted to see. Jesus understood their “mustard seed” faith and gave them sight!
God really can help us through anything we are facing. Do you believe that? Call out to Jesus with your “mustard seed” faith and wait to see what He will do!
- How do you describe faith? Why is it sometimes hard to have faith?
- Is there anything that you need to call out to Jesus for—for yourself or others? Take some time to pray about that with your family.
by Laure Herlinger
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