Eastbrook 365, One
Friday: Your Turn
Start with prayer. Ask God to impart wisdom to your mind, ask Jesus to relate the words to your soul, and ask the Holy Spirit to illumine your heart to...
Start with prayer. Ask God to impart wisdom to your mind, ask Jesus to relate the words to your soul, and ask the Holy Spirit to illumine your heart to...
I’ll be honest… In the midst of the current political climate, when I found out we were reading passages focused on unity, I sort of rolled my eyes (Sorry, it’s...
Start with prayer. Ask God to impart to wisdom your mind, ask Jesus to relate the words to your soul, and ask the Holy Spirit to illumine your heart to...
One of my favorite memories from family gatherings is sitting around telling stories about “the old days.” Aunts and uncles, grandparents and cousins would regale us with stories about what...
Start with prayer. Ask God to impart wisdom to your mind, ask Jesus to relate the words to your soul, and ask the Holy Spirit to illumine your heart to...
Start with prayer. Ask God to impart wisdom to your mind, ask Jesus to relate the words to your soul, and ask the Holy Spirit to illumine your heart to...
After participating in the worship service this week, whether in person or online, spend time discussing or responding to the following: What did God say to you this week? Name...
Today, spend some time thinking back through the week. Journal your responses below, or share your responses to these questions with another person in your family or small group. Where...
Start with prayer. Ask God to impart wisdom to your mind, ask Jesus to relate the words to your soul, and ask the Holy Spirit to illumine your heart to...
I recently had an experience with an old friend of mine, where I found out that we had very different understandings on current events. Having known her for many years,...