For 13 weeks, your children become involved in a fun, caring group. The weekly session is led by facilitators who have experienced loss, a small group consisting of kids from their age group who are also processing the death of a loved one, and age-appropriate lessons and activities to help them explore their grief and God’s promises regarding comfort, healing, hope and eternity. Death does not define us and has no hold on us when we talk about it.
The aim of SHIFT is similar to that of GriefShare (our support group for adults).
SHIFT is designed for kids and teens in grades 5–12.
Get started by contacting Pastor Ruth.
GriefShare special seminar and support group for adults grieving the death of someone close, sponsored by people who understand what you are experiencing and want to offer you comfort and encouragement during this difficult time. We offer GriefShare several times a year.
The Eastbrook Middle School ministry serves our middle schoolers in our congregation and falls under the umbrella of our NextGen team.
Eastbrook’s High School ministry offers students opportunities to mature in their faith and connect with God, their peers, and the wider community through service and social events.