Our three Sunday morning worship services (8 am, 9:30 am, and 11 am) are identical to reflect the principle in Galatians 3:28 that we are one body: young and old, rich and poor, male and female, urban and suburban, and of many different races and church backgrounds. The diversity of our many parts compels us to include traditional hymns, contemporary choruses, gospel music, international songs (sung in their native languages), and many forms of dance.
We work to create an environment that gives people the freedom to worship God in the ways the Holy Spirit leads, which may include: lifting of hands (Psalm 28:2; 119:48; 134:2), bowing (Psalm 95:6), kneeling (Psalm 95:6), clapping (Psalm 47:1), dancing (Psalm 149:3; 150:4), playing of instruments (Psalm 150:3-5), and being still (Psalm 46:10). We pray that people will have freedom of expression without being a stumbling block to others.
Come join us in playing joyfully to the Lord with the Psalm 150 Orchestra! This spring, we will lead on Easter Sunday (April 20) and perform in a year-end concert on June 6.
I Want to JoinInstrumentalists and vocalists are invited to participate in several opportunities to lead worship this spring. We rehearse on Thursday evenings.
I'm InterestedAdults and youth ages 14+ are invited to worship the Lord by serving in the Production Team on Sunday mornings. Production includes live-streaming, audio, lighting, video, recording, photography and slide presentations.
I Can ServeDo you believe in the power of prayer to change things? Please consider joining our prayer team and let us seek the face of God together for others after service. Prayer Ministers commit to serve one Sunday each month.
I Can ServeA variety of opportunities exist for visual artists of all mediums to display their work, collaborate with others, and glorify God through their many talents!
I Can ServeKuran McQueen
A/V Technician
We want to pray with you and for you. Send us your petitions confidentially using this form, so that we can intercede on your behalf.
Visit our online public prayer resource to see what members of our community are praying for, or add your own request for intercession.
Located in the East Lobby, the Prayer Room is a quiet place set aside for anyone to get away from their busy life and pray. It also serves as a room to pray with those responding to the sermon and for private counseling.